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This can be a very triggering/hard spread because it really digs into our psyche and what could be going on. Be gentle with yourself when you dive into this reading, but also know that moving through the hard stuff is what gets you to the other side. I truly believe this reading hit the nail on the head for some of the blockages you've talked about and I'm hoping by working through this spread and the accompanying questions, you'll find a bit of clarity on the other side.

Note: This spread, deck and questions are considered "shadow" work. Shadow work is the not-so-fun aspects of our lives that we need to explore to move past something that has been holding us back.


Card 1 = Which limiting belief about creativity is coming up for me right now?

Card 2 = Where does this belief come from?

Card 3 = Why have I been holding on to this belief?

Card 4 = What is the most likely outcome if I don't let this belief go?

Card 5 = What do I have to gain from letting this belief go?

Card 6 = Advice on how to let this belief go.

Reading analysis:

The Six of Swords, reversed, is what came up for your limiting belief around creativity. This card indicates avoidance or ignorance surrounding past experiences or situations in this realm. It's not that you don't want to be creating, rather, something (or someone) from the past has placed a blockage in that path whether you can name it or not. However, the underbelly of this card is that you may think there's a larger block and/or obstruction than there really is. But you won't know until you do the shadow work associated with it.

The Six of Cups is concerned with childhood, nostalgia and naive happiness and ideas of the past. To me, this is saying that the reason for your misbelief of your block happened a long time ago and it's still being held in your body/mind as an opposing force. This will be an area to explore in journaling because if you can identify where this misbelief stemmed from in the past, you may be able to eradicate it and clear the path forward.

Your third card, The King of Pentacles, reversed, is a weighty card for why you've been holding onto your misbelief(s). This card is concerned with the way things materialize in your life and how. The reversal of this card usually indicates that many of the "material" things you've worked hard for in your life have come with sacrifices that shouldn't have been asked of you. The reversed King of Pentacles in a reading is often representative of someone or something in your life that is untrustworthy or not all of what it seems to be. You've been burned before, many times, so it makes sense why you've held onto your misbeliefs about creating/creativity.

Your fourth card, The Two of Pentacles, reversed, is a pretty straightforward answer to the question of what could happen if you don't let go of the misbeliefs that are holding you back as this card in it's reversed form is concerned with the imbalance and neglect of the self. I believe that in the realm of creativity — if you're unable to move past your misbeliefs and blocks, you will always feel a sense of imbalance and neglect in your life. You'll wonder what could be... what might be... what should be... but things won't change.

The Ace of Cups, as your fifth card is hugely positive! This card is all about beginnings and positive energy. What this tells me is that you have so much to gain if you can move past the blocks and misbeliefs as it relates to your creativity. The Ace of Cups is a strong card that holds a lot of creative and connected power — it shows up when someone embodies those characteristics and needs a reminder that they possess those qualities.

Lastly, the Justice Card, reversed is what was pulled for your advice on letting the misbeliefs and blocks go. The Justice card is a powerful card because in both the upright and reversed position, it indicates the shifting of balance (toward a more cohesive one). Here, it's indicating that the best way forward is to look at the ways in which dishonesty, unfairness, imbalance, and responsibility have played a part in your blocks and misbeliefs. If they were substantiated by someone else, there's a need to look very closely at that situation and person. If the misbeliefs and blocks have been perpetuated from within yourself — you will need to take a hard, honest look at the situations and experiences and see where you can take responsibility for your part.

Questions/Thoughts to Consider for Journaling

Additional Questions/Thoughts to Consider for Journaling:
