<aside> 📌 Contrary to popular belief and all the MFA programs that say otherwise, there is never just "one" way to do things. This is especially true in creativity because, by its very nature, it does not adhere to "rules." However, there are similar kinds of approaches to creativity, though modern society often places emphasis on a few rather than exploring the many.

For some writers, the Butt-In-Chair and forced creation does not work. We've all heard the phrase, "you don't wait for the muse to show up, you put your butt in the chair and you write." And that's fantastic advice for rational/logical writers or creators - but there are many kinds of writers and creators and they don't actually benefit from this well-intentioned but often wrong advice.

The last thing a struggling creative needs is someone telling them that they're doing it wrong…or that they "need" to do it this way or that way. No. Just no.

You get to choose what you need creatively. You get to state the rules. No one else.

Check out this creative types website to see which one you identify with. If you're a writer — read about the differences between rational writing and intuitive writing.


How do you develop your mindset and approach to leverage your creativity?

By finding what works best for you and leaning into it. As you learn more about your creative needs, the more clarity you'll get about how that works into your mindset and approach.

Use the prompts below to get clarity on your needs.

Mindset Needs that Impact My Creativity

This is a starter list and is no way limited to what is here, please add, delete, tweak or reorder in a way that makes sense for you.

<aside> 🧠 LEANING INTO WHO YOU ARE Have you figured out what kind of creative person you are and how you like to work best? Have you accepted that you don't have to fit into anyone else's expectations or advice on "how to do the thing" ?


<aside> 🌊 GO WITH THE FLOW Are you allowing yourself the time, space, energy to learn how you create best?


<aside> 🔥 MOTIVATION Do you know what motivates you? Are you intrinsically or extrinsically motivated? Will you use that motivation to help you with your creativity?


<aside> 🛠 A WORK IN PROGRESS Have you tried something and it didn't work? That's okay — write it down. Did you try something new and it did work? Try it again. Don't be afraid to experiment with what works — it's the only way you'll find a process that suits you completely.



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