<aside> 🌙 Sometimes, whether we deeply know it or not, we hold ourselves hostage for the things we've done or not done. This self-forgiveness spread offers a gentle approach to looking at where we can forgive ourselves to move into a healthier mental space which equates to more creativity.
Card 1 = Where self-care is at
Card 2 = Where self-reflection is at
Card 3 = Where self-expression is at
Card 4 = Where self-trust is at
What are you doing that is currently not aligned with what you want in life and results in that drained and empty feeling?
What can you say "no" to in order to feel more aligned with what you do want in life?
Where have you "parked" yourself out of fear, even knowing that it may no longer serve you?
What "places" could you see yourself moving away from and what "places" can you see yourself moving into?
What situations or events have led you to believe that no one cares what you have to say? Or perhaps you feel that you have nothing to say... what has led you to believe that?
What is one thing you've always wanted to do/create but have never felt "good enough" to do so? What would it feel/be like to have the confidence to just do it?
What attachments have you created to promises that were not kept? This can be external (ie, someone else's promise) or something you've promised yourself. How has attaching outcomes to those promises changed the way you view the promise?
Beyond the pain and disappointment of broken promises, what is one thing you've learned from these broken promises? How would it feel to release your attachment to promises?